Specifications of Sony XR77A80J

Sony XR77A80J TV

Sony XR77A80J TV

The Sony XR77A80J TV is a model with in addition to the rest of the features listed below.

Release date: 2021-06-23.

Table of Contents:

Brand Sony
Model XR77A80J
Ultra slim TV No
Curved TV No
Bluetooth No
Wi-Fi No
Miracast screen mirroring support Yes
Short description Sony XR77A80J, G, G, 183 kWh, 210 kWh, A to G
Long description Sony XR77A80J. Energy efficiency class (SDR): G, Energy efficiency class (HDR): G, Energy consumption (SDR) per 1000 hours: 183 kWh
Energy monitoring
Energy consumption (HDR) per 1000 hours: 210 kWh
Energy consumption (SDR) per 1000 hours: 183 kWh
Energy efficiency class (HDR): g
Energy efficiency class (SDR): g
Energy efficiency scale: A to G


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