Step-by-step instructions to reboot, reset or hard reset TCL televisions.
We will tell you how to reset TCL devices with Android, WebOS, NetCast or Tizen operating systems with images that will help you erase all the content on your TV and restore its factory settings.
Use the search engine or browse through the page to find your TCL television model to find the tutorial and perform the restoration of your television.
Adelin - 04/08/2024 10:50
Am și eu un tcl32s5400af Și când vreau sa intru in setari îmi cere un pin și am încercat toate locurile și nu merge și eu la tv am fost un buton jos lângă becul led
Isabela - 07/04/2024 15:59
I tried to reset my TV and now it's the LED no stop blinking. I don't know what to do, please I need help. TCL 32 Android TV Model: 32ES568 Serial Number: Z2047053174