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The most frequently asked questions on Philips televisions

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Welcome to the frequently asked questions section dedicated to Philips televisions, a space created to provide you with expert solutions and practical tips for the most common challenges you might encounter with your TV. Here, we cover a wide variety of topics, from connection and signal issues to matters related to applications, regional restrictions, language settings, and restoration processes for your Philips TV.

Whether you are facing difficulties with your TV turning off unexpectedly, problems connecting it to other devices, or challenges in downloading or using applications, we are here to help you solve them. In addition, we will offer you detailed guides for troubleshooting and useful tips for making adjustments and configurations that will allow you to fully enjoy the capabilities of your Philips TV.

Questions and answers from users about "Philips TV FAQs"

Jos - 24/04/2024 14:31

got a used smart tv 46pfl5007h12 from my daughter and installing tv channels was no problem but when i go to smart part i see some apps down on the screen and if i p.e click on youtube nothing is happening only the lightbulbs on the sceen are showing some reaction I tried the internet icon and found google and it stops again. checked the network and was connected to my network. what is wrong and can you please help me to enjoy this smart tv . Thanks in advance, M.J.J de Kloet

Sylvain - 10/04/2024 15:51

youtube is not playing no my tv philips

TheLastBaron - 09/03/2024 11:33

Please provide details on how to connect a Fire stick to the TV without the Philips remote control, using buttons on the set and the Fire stick remote control. Thank you. It's driving us nuts.

Kajzer - 05/03/2024 13:39

Ne mogu pokrenuti Google račun na svoj Philips 32PFH5500/88 Vratio sam svoj Philips 32pfh5500/88 iz 2018. koji radi na Android Google TV-u na tvorničke postavke. Od tada se ne mogu prijaviti na svoj Google račun, od početne faze postavljanja do prijave u aplikaciju Google Play ili Youtube na TV-u. Piše da su moje korisničko ime i lozinka netočni, ali sam 100% siguran da su točni. Negdje sam pročitao da je moguće da je Google Play na tvorničkim postavkama mog TV-a stara verzija, a da bih ga ažurirao, moram se povezati putem TV-a putem nekog softvera za razvojne programere kako bih prenio novu verziju Googlere Play usluga, ali nisam mogu.... Softver na kojem moj TV radi je najnoviji dostupan (QM152E. Može li mi itko pomoći?! Hvala!