Uninstall apps on Samsung HG40NA570LF

Uninstall apps on Samsung HG40NA570LF

How to uninstall apps on Samsung HG40NA570LF

Delete apps from Samsung HG40NA570LF

If you have just bought a new or second-hand Samsung HG40NA570LF, or you have had it for a while and you don't remember how to delete applications, we will give you the instructions to delete or uninstall any of the applications installed on your television and thus, on the one hand, free up space and have the list of applications better organized so that your television works faster.

You don't need to have an internet connection to remove apps from your TV, you just need the remote control.

Estimated time: 15 minutes.

You will need:

- TV remote

If you don't have a remote you can buy one from this link on Amazon. *

- Internet connection

Models from 2018:

1- First step:

Use your HG40NA570LF remote control to open the Smart TV menu on your TV.
To do this, press the button that has a cube shape with three colors, it should be in the center of the remote control.

 Smart Hub Samsung TV button

2- Second step:

Using the directional buttons on the remote control, navigate through the HG40NA570LF home menu until you find the section called “SAMSUNG APPS”, which is the option with a three squares icon on the left side of the menu.

Press the central button on the remote control to access the TV’s app store.

Apps store Samsung TV

3- Third step:

Use the directional buttons on the Samsung HG40NA570LF remote control to select the app you want to uninstall or delete.

Select application televisor Samsung

4- Four step:

Once you have selected the app you want to delete from the TV, press and hold the central button on the remote control for a couple of seconds, as shown in the image. Your Samsung HG40NA570LF may have a different remote control or you may have a compatible remote but the buttons should be the same.

Open application options menu Samsung TV

5- Fifth step:

The available options for this application will appear, use the navigation buttons on the remote control to go down to the “Delete” section and press the central button on the remote control again to proceed with deleting the app.

Delete application Samsung TV

6- Sixth step:

A confirmation message will appear on the Samsung HG40NA570LF screen to avoid deleting applications by mistake. If you are sure that this is the app you want to delete, select “Yes” and press the central button on the remote control again.

Confirm uninstall application Samsung TV

7- Seventh step:

Depending on the size of the app and the power of your TV, it may take a few seconds to a few minutes for a confirmation message to appear indicating that the app has been successfully removed.

Application successfully removed Samsung TV

Repeat the process for all the apps you want or need to remove from the Samsung HG40NA570LF, both to free up space and to stop them from appearing on the home screen taking up space when you no longer need them. If you have had any problems removing apps on this TV model, leave us your comment in the section below and you will receive answers from the TVsFaq.com team and the rest of the users in the community.

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About the device:

The Samsung HG40NA570LF it is a television with the Tizen operating system, an aspect ratio of 16:9, 3 HDMI ports, 1 USB ports, a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, a screen diagonal of 101.6 cm, Ethernet port (RJ45) .

Release date: 2012-09-05.

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* Some of the links in this article are affiliates, which means that when you buy one of those products we will receive a small commission that will allow us to continue offering quality and updated content, and it will not cost you anything since you will continue paying the same price.

Other tutorials for the Samsung HG40NA570LF:

Change language
Edit programmes
Connect to the Internet
Install apps