Step-by-step instructions to connect your LG Smart TV to the internet, so you can enjoy apps, TV channels and video on demand services, IPTV, download updates and surf the internet.
We show you how to configure the internet on your LG TV with either the Android, WebOS, NetCast or Tizen operating system with images and step-by-step instructions for each TV model.
Use the search engine or navigate through the page to find your LG TV model to find the tutorial on setting up the internet connection via Wi-Fi or network cable.
Jaroslav - 03/06/2024 21:58
Mám pripojenie cez Wi-Fi z routera.Heslo mam správne, tv ukazuje, že je pripojená k Wi-Fi a v rozšírenom nastavení mam všetky 4políčka zelené. Keď prepnem na tv programy, alebo Google, nabehne mi kód chyby 102.